Best Book to Leave your Bad Habits and Pick a Good one

Best Book to Leave your Bad Habits and Pick a Good one

As the title is, The Power of Habit. If you are trying to change a particular habit and cannot succeed, then this book can help you achieve that. So, what’s special in this book.

This book will give the techniques about how to change bad habits into good habits. Here it is not said to leave the habit, we are replacing the old habit with the new one. It includes stories of successful people who changed their habits and controlled their life. The techniques and learnings from those stories can help you to take charge of your life. So, let’s see what you can learn from this amazing book.


What you can learn from this Book?


1) Change yourself- Habits are good and bad. But if you are having some bad habits. You can change them even it’s a powerful habit. It can be done by changing your routine and being discipline to maintain constructive habits. You should have the determination to change and to see a new version of yourself.


2) Power of a Habit- If you are having an old habit that can be daily brushing your teeth at night or daily workout. You can feel that whenever you missed doing that activity you will feel regret and next time your mind will help you to do the work that you need to do. That’s the potential of a habit. It can be a good or bad habit, the effect will be the same. So, why not practice good habits and make them stronger.


3) Brain Craving- Do you know why your brain craves? When you adopt a new habit, the dopamine level released in your brain is much lower. Gradually, it starts increasing and now, you need higher dopamine to satisfy the craving. So, the solution is whenever your brain craves just wait for some time and the dopamine-releasing will become lower.

In that time, you will feel boring and that boredom should be transmuted in some other activity. And then there will be no dopamine-releasing while doing that activity.




4) Transmute your Energy- For making a constructive habit. You need to transmute your energy into some other form. When a craving comes, you can do cleaning work, reading a book, or watching a self-help video. When you feel bored and need some type of activity, pick a book to read, exercise, or follow your hobby. That can transmute your energy into some productive work that will help you to leave the bad habit.




5) Dictate your mind in the right direction- If you don’t have a strong habit, then make your mind indulge in a productive routine that is sticking to your daily routine starting from a workout, breakfast to going to bed. That will help you to stay disciplined. And discipline is the ultimate thing you have to achieve as being in discipline will increase your productivity, energy and everything will be organized.


6) Understand your Habit- Understand what drives you to follow that habit and why you are following that. You might be following your habit for various reasons like having a break, spending time with friends, the specific time period, or the people around you. You have to identify the reasons and change your routine accordingly.

You must identify the bad habits and take immediate actions to change them. Just change the routine like talking with your good friend, working on your tasks, or following your passion. This will change the routine and reward.

Then slowly your cravings will go and the bad habit would be replaced by a new & good habit. If the habit is not gone then keep experimenting with different routines and see which one works best. In this way, habits are changed and sometimes you need to put some more effort to change the habit. After changing a habit daily you will feel a sense of accomplishment.


7) A habit is made- But how to identify whether you have adopted a habit or not. Whenever you missed following your habit, you will feel something is missing and you need to complete that task. So, you will be again back to your discipline.

That’s how the habit is made and you have the total control to include good habits in your routine by dictating to your brain.


Identify the successful habits and put them in your daily routine. If you want to follow your passion & dream then you need to make certain changes and give yourself a daily rating. You feel to make more changes to get higher ratings. Just follow your mentors and focus on becoming better day by day. I hope, you have like the article.

In this book, there are many examples given from which you can learn life lessons and a lot more. Investing in yourself is also kind of habit that will give you endless returns. So, buy this book from amazon and tell me which habit are you changing, in the comment section. Thank you for reading my article.

9 Important Lessons Learned about Money – F.U Money

9 Important Lessons Learned about Money – F.U Money

Do you want to achieve financial freedom and work from anywhere you want?

Do you want to do what you love and enjoy your time with your family?

Do you want to be your own boss, travel around the world and let the money should work for you?

This book F.U Money is totally based on these topics. The author Dan Lok tells us in this book that to achieve our F.U Money, you need to make certain changes in yourself to live the life you want.

But what is F.U Money? F.U Money is the money you need to achieve your financial freedom, be independent, and do what you wish to do. And build the business that will serve you endlessly. The main purpose of business is to make your F.U money and not just providing jobs to others (that’s the side benefit of it). So, let’s discuss some important lessons from this book.


9 Important Lessons from this book


1. Change your Mindset- To achieve the F.U money you need to change your mindset. Think I can achieve the goals and everything is possible. If rich people can do this, why cannot? Mindset requires everywhere because this is the first step that you must believe in yourself. And you will not compromise on the things that you don’t like. Why not live life to the fullest? If you follow your dreams money will follow you.

The purpose of becoming financially free is not to think about money when it comes to going on a vacation, giving your child the best education, or saving someone’s life. So, money is important in life but there’s a limit to its importance.


work hard


2. Work Hard in the Right Direction- Just think working harder and harder day by day, will you achieve your F.U money? No, because you don’t know in which direction you are going. Working hard on the right things can get your F.U money faster. Use other people’s knowledge, experience, and expertise to build your product and serve you a lifetime. Having great financial knowledge & intelligence about money can make your journey faster.


3. How Rich People Think- You need to change your perspective towards rich people. Don’t blame the rich people, learn from them, what actions did they take and what was their thinking about money. Learn from those people who have created a legacy and changing the lives of thousands of people. For example Bill Gates and Ratan Tata. Read books, enroll in self-development courses, and indulge in those activities that contribute to your F.U money.


4. Achieve your F.U money in less time- You can faster your journey to make your F.U money. Leave the mindset that to become rich takes many years, you can get rich in 3- 4 years by taking massive actions and building your business. Saving your money and leaving below your means can’t make you rich. Make high-return investments and talk to rich people who have done this before.

Learn to manage risks and take massive actions at your early ages because those are the best years to chase your dreams and make them a reality.



5. Just take action- You don’t want to be perfect to start something. Just start, make mistakes and learn from your mistakes. You will gradually progress. If you wait to be everything perfect then the time will pass out and you will regret it later. So grab the opportunity, work on it and make it a massive success. You will know what’s working and what not and in which thing you are interested in only by working on something, taking action. And learning from your experiences.


6. Be responsible for your actions- Whatever you do to in your journey to achieve your goals. You are totally responsible for everything and not others. Your progress is the result of your actions. There should be a strong desire that will push you daily to do your work and achieve what you want. Remind your mind constantly about your goals and become obsessed to achieve them.




7. Value your time and increase your Productivity- Respecting your time and managing yourself with the time is the main thing on which you need to focus on. Calculate your hourly income based on your monthly income and start increasing it. By this, you can find the value of 1 hour and helps you to decide on which activity to spend the time on. Outsource the work to save your time ( I mean money). Find in which timings you are productive and work during that hours without any distractions. Because you will be focused and you can achieve your daily income goals.


8. Making money online- Having your online presence, a quality email list, and serving other people through the internet is necessary for this digital age. A website that gives enough information about you, your products, and adding value to the people is important. Otherwise, you will lose a big audience. Build authority in the market by publishing some books, giving valuable tips, and solving other’s problems. Because the power of the internet is massive and you must utilize it. Automate your business and let the business work for you.

Focus on building a passive income through the internet. Like making coaching programs, publishing books on kindle, investments, and affiliate marketing, etc. This product requires not much work but gives a return forever. Find which products are in demand to make them.


9. Just focus on one thing- Indulging in many businesses will not work because you are not focussing on one thing to get big. Create multiple income streams from one business and focus on creating assets. Building your own business is the best way to make your F.U money. Leverage other people’s time to save your money.

You can achieve your F.U money by taking massive action and making changes in yourself. This is a great book to change your financial situation and take control of your life. Excuses don’t work but taking action and making mistakes would make progress in you.

You must read this book to live the life you want. Buy this book from Amazon. Thank you for reading my article!


Perfect Guide on Copywriting to Increase your Sales- Robert Bly

Perfect Guide on Copywriting to Increase your Sales- Robert Bly

The Copywriter’s Handbook is suitable for every person who is struggling to get more sales from the copy. Those who have started learning to Copywrite can have this book because it gives a clear step-by-step process for writing copy that sells. This is the updated fourth edition of this book because the way of presenting the copy has changed, advertising medium and buying process has changed. So what you can get from this book? Is it worth the investment?

Robert W. Bly has stated that the main purpose of the copy is to sell the product and not just entertaining or creating humour in the copy. How you convince the reader to spend their hard-earned money on your product that is copywriting.


The Main Key Points from this Book:


Headlines – The first thing the user will read is your headline. if your headline is not good enough he will not read the further copy. So, writing a headline that is unusual, controversial, surprising, specific, and interesting would work. Your headlines should represent a reward or solving a problem of the user. It can also be a powerful quote (below is the example), a question, or related to current events. So focus on your headline to get attention.

Every Successful Businessmen must be able to sell through the Art of the Written Word-  Anik Singal

Communication- The introduction of the copy should tell what the user will get by reading your copy. Include how your product can solve the consumer’s problem in simple words. Make bullet points to understand clearly what are the features and their benefits.

Use short sentences because it keeps the reader’s inflow. Include your Unique Selling Proposition in the copy that will make your brand stand out from others. USP makes the buyer more interested in your product.


blank page


Why your Page remains Blank?

When you start writing you don’t have any ideas and you cannot write further. I have a solution for you. Outline the copy and be ready with your research and materials. Write carelessly whatever information you have gathered from different sources. Once you have written that make a group of related points and then organize them in terms of their importance.

An outline gives you guidance on what to write next in sequential order. In this way by writing carelessly but editing carefully, your page will never be blank.


Writing your Copy- While writing your copy you should be done with the research of the product, customer problems, and the demand in the market. Introduction of the copy should represent, What’s in it for them? What the customer will get by reading your copy. The purpose of the story in the copy is to generate relatability with the user then prove your credibility in the content and confirm your sale by adding enough value.

The flow of the copy is important as it will make the user read the copy completely. For that, short sentences, changing fonts, underlines, and making bullet points is necessary so that visual flow will be maintained. Make it more visually appealing.

To maintain auditory rhythm read your copy twice before publishing it and see where the user gets disconnected and correct it. Have a strong Call to Action (CTA) with big size and bold letters. CTAs such as Learn more, Book a Free Call or Grab your Free Copy works better.

Making a killer offer such as a ‘50% Discount on Lamborghini’ with this offer if you make an emotional connection with the buyer he will surely make the purchase. Including bonuses such as ‘ 3 Year Warranty or Free Service for 8 months’ can make your offer more interesting. This will push the reader to buy because he is getting a great deal.

The length of your copy depends on your product price and its demand in the market. The higher the price higher the information you need to give them.


Writing E-mails – Again the headline of the email must be interesting, unique, and a reward for the user. Give attention to the preview text that will also determine the open rates. Tell what the e-mail is all about, give valuable content, tell stories and express emotions. Tell what is there for the important user, tell what the user needs to do that will solve his problems and avoid big mistakes. If you continuously send pitching emails your open rates will go down so keep in mind that.


landing pages


Writing Landing Pages- Landing pages are important for explaining what your offer is. You can direct the user from online ads to your landing page. Conversions of Landing pages can be increased by generating more credibility through showing testimonials of successful customers and proven techniques that have got great results.

Your offer should be unique that is worth the investment of the customer. ’30-Day Money Back Guarantee or Same Day Delivery’ can also work. Updating your Landing page frequently with current events is necessary for some products.

You can find a lot of information and techniques about copywriting in this book. I have just reviewed some main points so that you could understand what’s there in this book. Your sales through your copy will surely increase by reading this guide. Buy this Guide on Amazon. Thank you for reading my article!

Are you Interested in Learning Copywriting? This Guide will help you to Achieve

Are you Interested in Learning Copywriting? This Guide will help you to Achieve

A book for copywriters and beginners in copywriting those who want to learn how to write a copy that sells the products and learn the skill that can be useful to your business and other’s businesses also. So, what is there in this book?

I will highlight some main points from this book that will help you to decide whether to invest your money in this book or not.


Important Learnings from this Guide:

Before writing the copy you should have clear information about the product and also your customers. Because without understanding them your copy could not get into the flow and won’t sell many products. Then comes the time to offer the product that people will tell you whether they want it or not. Before offering the product take a test of the product in the market and see if there is a demand this could help you to avoid big losses.


Why would people read your copy?

There should be something in your copy that solves the people’s problem and a unique benefit that they will get from your product. So, at the start of the copy i.e, your headline should grab the attention by telling something unusual, creating curiosity, or a solution-oriented approach that will lead the user to read your copy.


CTA buttons


Your body copy should be simple, interesting, giving the solution to the problem, mentioning the benefits of your product, and with a CTA button for the people to take further action.

Then comes the length of the copy. The length depends on the product, if the product price is high and the emotion to buy the product is also high then the long copy will work. Short copy works when there is less involvement and fewer emotions towards the product.

Keep the words shorter, simple, and straightforward will reduce the time for the consumer to understand the product and there will be no clutter. You need to put the words that are in your mind on the paper. After some time trying to edit again and you will find some new ideas from your mind. This incubation process is well explained in this book.

Create scarcity for immediate action. Giving your audience something new and explaining to them how this product could change your life will interest the buyer to know more. While offering a product don’t offer too many varieties otherwise the buyer will confuse and buy none. So, offer more products at the last stage of booking in a catalog.

Mentioning credibility in your copy will reduce the questions in the consumer’s mind about your product. Because then only they can trust your brand for that show them some testimonials as people believe people.

You need to make your consumers believe that your product is worth its cost. They should feel guilty that why I didn’t buy the product? That’s when you feel that you have done some great work.

The buying environment is important because that can affect the buying decision. The perfect buying environment related to the product will definitely make a sale. So, you need to decide which environment to be created based on the product. You also need to serve the consumers well after the purchase as service matters. If you serve them well and keep them happy your brand will make a good reputation in the market and that’s the main element for every company.

Practicing writing copies will help you to build your copywriting skill. Because the more you practice the more you learn, what works and whatnot. Learn from other copywriter’s mistakes and also from your experience. Don’t just be an average copywriter, make your skills stronger by learning new things and share your knowledge with others.

This book contains a lot of ad examples that will give you some new ideas about writing copies differently. Joseph Sugarman has shared his experience of copywriting in this book and those who want to pursue this skill must buy this book.

And yes one more thing to remind you. Keep learning! 😊😊 Thank you for reading my article and I will soon review another guide on copywriting, so stay tuned!


How To Monetize Passion (In 1 Year) Irrespective Of Income, Skills Or Degree

How To Monetize Passion (In 1 Year) Irrespective Of Income, Skills Or Degree

6 Sundays A Week Life by Dev Gadhvi, the Best Selling Author of 80% Mindset 20% Skills a life-changing book for everyone. Dev Gadhvi was working 13+years in a corporate job, doing all the things which were told by his boss (irrespective of whether Dev liked it or not)

However, after meeting Grant Cardone & Dan Lok, he quit his job & started the Passionpreneur movement where he help 9-5 job workers build a profitable empire around their passion. Eventually, Dev sir has now built a multi-million dollar business & continuing his mission forward.

This is a bible of the step-by-step process which Dev sir followed to build such a massive empire.


What kind of Life are you living?


Imagine the daily 9 to 5 life and how boring it could be. Working for a specific time period and enjoying watching entertainment after reaching home. No time for self-development and not watching educational videos.

On the other hand, what would your Sunday look like, no daily meetings, or assignments, just following your passion. 6 Sundays a week refers to doing what you love to do wherever and with whomever you want. You will have to work but it will not feel like work you will enjoy and further build your business around it.


I know you cannot leave your job at present but you should have an idea about your passion, skills, and demand in the market. If you are passionate to help others with your skills and that has a demand in the market then it will work. So, while working in a job upgrade your skills, invest in yourself, and share your learnings with others through social media to gain trust and add value to the audience. You have to be ready with your skills and audience before you quit your job. So, things you should do before quitting your job are:


  • Publishing a Book and making it a Best Selling Author.


  • Having a strong base of an audience who are ready to invest in you for any of your products. This is your true fans.


  • Have your Youtube channel or any other platform where you already have a good following where you regularly post useful videos/posts for your audience.


  • Speaking with confidence at many workshops and webinars. Having a strong authority in your field.


Unique identity in the market where you are the only one who is a specialist in a particular field. I will explain to you in detail first, publishing your book means making your authority stronger instead of giving your visiting card you are giving a self-published book how would be the impression? Authoritative. 

Riches are not in niches. Micro-niches are the new currency. When you just tell “𝘐’𝘮 𝘢 𝘍𝘪𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 & 𝘕𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘊𝘰𝘢𝘤𝘩” you’re being generic but when you tell…

‘𝘐 𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘛𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘉𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘛𝘰 𝘉𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘍𝘪𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘯𝘺 𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘳 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘺 𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨’ is more specific and the right kind of buyer you attract to your business. Eventually, you find your tribe and grow your business as well.


You have to be on Google because if you are selling a product then people will search for your product review. So, having a self-published book, Youtube channel, blog helps you to build your brand and trust with the audience. And people will be ready to invest in your product. You can charge the desired price for your product but its returns should be higher than its price. If you are changing somebody’s life then you have got a meaning and purpose to your life that what problems and mistakes you have done others should not do.


To keep the fire burning you have to follow some daily rituals where you have to write down your goals and thankful to god for giving you such a great life, imagine yourself achieving your desire, visualizing and living the things that you want then comes exercise for at least 30 mins and reading 1 book in a week.



monthly income


What about the monthly income?

You may ask what about the financial strength I will have when I will quit my job. So, for that you need to save some money aside to survive for basic needs, support of family and you need to test your skills in the market whether people are ready to pay your or not then only you will have the financial confidence within you.


In that period of quitting your job, you have to live below your means and have a minimum survival amount. Whenever you will have some extra money, invest that in yourself to take good returns. Find the person who has achieved what you want and learn from him to reach your goal faster. Side by side make multiple streams of income by making your program, workshops, books, and a lot more. 


Your tagline should associate with your name so that people could remember you with your unique identity. It will take some time to build but keep looking at it and you will find something interesting.


       “People will genuinely invest in you if you have given enough value, help and transformed so many lives.”


Then comes building your products. Products can be anything like your mentorship program, courses, workshops, or your digital products. What prices could you offer? Initially, you can give them some free products like a free e-book, or a masterclass then you can start charging more money as your brand becomes stronger. While starting your journey you have to do all the work manually and are not be able to focus on important tasks so you need to automate everything by adapting the digital technology this can be done by using some free online tools and investing in some training programs to learn more about it.

Create & sustain the demand for your product through researching what the audience actually wants that other businesses fail to provide.

For everything that this book tells us, you should have the courage to leave your job with a proper exit plan and have faith in yourself that you can make the 6 Sundays A Week Life real. Take calculated risks and live your dreams daily.

If you want to be a Passionpreneur then reach out to Dev Gadhvi he will guide you in this journey. 

If you want to convert the current hectic job situation into a 6 Sundays A Week Life, reading this book can never regret you in anyways. 


The Insider’s Guide on Effective Marketing- Seth Godin

The Insider’s Guide on Effective Marketing- Seth Godin

Who should read this Book?

This book is especially for those who want to improve their marketing skills. Because marketing requires everywhere and without marketing business cannot survive. Seth Godin the god of marketing has wonderfully explained how marketing works and how we can benefit from it. So let’s learn a new way of marketing.


Leave the Old Method of Marketing-

Earlier all the masses were just shouting and telling the information of the product, sending random messages, not understanding the need of the society just selling more and more to get more profit. That method of marketing is now gone. The new way of marketing is to solve a problem of a particular group with a perfect solution. Marketing is done to provide more opportunities, spreading our ideas to make the change happen.


What actually Marketing is?

Marketing is understanding the dreams and desires of the people. It is not selling a low-quality product with a high value. It is about changing people’s minds and help them to achieve what they want. In every step of marketing, we have to see what works and whatnot. If it works fine. If not, search for what is working and learn new things.

Marketing involves telling emotional stories which are relatable to the people, building a product according to the market needs, and showing your product consistently to make the change happen. Marketing needs creative people who can make a change by making things better. But the marketer must be clear who is it for? and what is it for? so the efforts will be in the correct direction. You have to change the people’s perspective towards you.

A story that people will feel connected to you and want to hear more from you. Ultimately it increases your trust level which turns into a transaction. People want the results that will get from your product and not the features. They want a sense of satisfaction, status, and confidence from the product. Make a rational choice while understanding the market and its behavior.


dominos Pizza


Case Study:  Dominos Pizza

According to you, what is the best quality of dominos? It’s their fast delivery and quality service. They are more focused on customer’s needs and delivering the best pizza in the market. They are consistently updating the customers about the latest trends, offers and taking valuable feedback to improve. Dominos have managed their reputation by making a change in the market and are leading it.

As a marketer, you should make a promise to yourself that what change you want to make and how will you do that? It will help you to direct your efforts in the right direction. Remember, ‘If you are for Everyone then you are No one’ you should change a particular group of people that have similar views and beliefs. Put yourself in the place of the market and imagine what the market thinks and what stories they tell themselves. This helps us in understanding people’s reactions towards your product and understanding their problems better.

Choose your people based on psychographics who are the right people according to you, those who will share your message, and they are your true fans your focus must be on this group. Be more specific. Your product should match the wants of people. Serve your audience with great care so that people will start loving you and share your thoughts. You have to describe who is it for. Your product is only for those people who you are trying to change.


Defining the Better-

Better is different for everyone someone feels that this product is better and it could be different for others. Best is different for everyone, for someone the best brand could be Nike for others it can be Sparx it differs because we remember the one which is best for us and worth it. You have to target this audience so that they can find you. Find the dreams and desires of the people, offer a solution, and serve them better so that they pay you enough attention.




Case Study: Amazon

Amazon is a company that focuses on the consumer and delivers the best service. They understand the market needs and their problems and provides a perfect solution like fastest delivery and great customer support. Most of the brands ignore this department but it should give the utmost importance. When a customer reports a problem, he or she is connected with the concerned department within a minute and the problem is solved.

Choose your Extremes– In today’s world, there are too many choices, and what is the guarantee that the customer will choose you? You need to pick your unique feature to separate from the competitors. You need to build a strong emotion ( safety, worthy or valuable) that your customer will get when he thinks about your market.

Be Different from Your Competitors– You should have the skill of being different and delivering a high-quality product. The skill that technology can’t replace you. You have to build your own story that defines your promise, strengthen your core values, building relationships with customers, and making positive changes in the market. If you want to understand what your audience likes in your niche then take feedback, you will understand who is better and why?

You have to be authentic towards your work. Don’t do the work that you don’t love. Understand the audience, their beliefs, and views. Be more personal with the audience don’t talk with them as a brand, talk to them as a person who makes a strong connection.

Deeply Understanding the Customer– The product you make is not just a task that a customer will use and throw it away. You are offering him the roadmap that leads to his desires. It is the feeling of status, emotion that the customer gets from it. You have to see the dreams and fears of different customers because each one will have their fears and desires.

Always be testing your product with the type of audience you seek to serve, what is working and what is not working, and see what your audience likes the most. If you want to charge more from the people, you don’t need to increase the quantity instead you need to put your highest value to the audience with a great story. Offer your service full of love and happiness, great service, and quality products to attract more customers.

Achieving the Small Market– You have to first win the micro-market to expand further and gaining your true hundred fans. The fans are the one who has trust in you, loving you and buys your every product and also recommend to their friends. To achieve results in mass-market you have to work on the small market. When you get feedback on your great product you will find some wrong feedbacks that are not useful for you because the one who has given a one-star should have a different problem, not from your product. In this case, you have to ask for helpful advice on how the product could fit from their perspective, don’t just take random feedbacks.

People Like Us Do Things Like This– Everybody takes decisions to buy a product or service by looking at the crowd not by thinking why it is important just people are doing, so we should also. We cannot change the whole culture but we can change the small market. You have to create tension in the market telling that everyone is coming why you want to leave behind and give a chance to increase the status of the audience.

Creating a Pattern– You have to create a pattern and tension in the market by interrupting people. Create tension of left behind to uninformed for the people who can take an action. But how to create the tension? Tension can be created by making a strong offer or a situation that is never created before and relieving that tension in the form of action.

We make most of the buying decisions based on our status that we live in. It will not make sense initially but if we think deeply that we took the decision because that suits our status. Separate the audience based on the status roles by identifying their behavior. This will help you to know which are the audience who want to increase their status and the status of others as well. Status plays an important role in life. You have to understand what people are telling themselves about you, make them a part of your group, and be connected.

Making your Logo– Your logo is the sign for people to remember your company, it remembers them of your brand when you show up a logo. Your symbol should be related to the change you seek to make and describing your special feature. The brand is something that people care about you and expecting better work from you. Without a brand logo is useless and you can choose a logo as your first name.

Treating Different People Differently– You have to offer your product according to the people’s behavior towards buying, some people like to have a new thing in their hand but some will love what they have. Different people want different things based upon their routine and likes & dislikes, so you have to treat everyone differently to get the desired results. Identify which group of customers is contributing to your profit and leave others who cost you money. Focus on the profit-making customers with a delightful experience and excellent customer service and in return, you are in huge profit.

Building your Strategy– Your strategy should be clear to you that what change you are going to make and who it’s for. It should be for the right people. The strategy is made by tactics and by testing different tactics you will get an idea of which one is working. Your more focus should be on Digital Advertising where you can market your product efficiently to the right people and earn trust and attention gradually. You can also go for Brand Marketing where the environment in your company, delivery service, and the treatment you give to the customers everything matters and you can improve it to build your strong brand.

You have to grab the people’s attention by placing your ad continuously to the right people even if they get tired of it. Jay Levinson said, “Don’t change your ads when you’re tired of them, don’t change them when your employees and friends are tired of them. Change them when your accountant is tired of them”. So frequency matters. People should directly search your name or the service you deliver to them so that Google will understand that you care for the people and they can rank you.


product price


What is your product price?

The price of your product determines whether it will sell to or not. Someone will try to buy a cheaper product rather than expensive but he will not see its ROI that he will get. So you have to fix the price according to the people you serve. We cannot sell the product for free because it requires the cost to market and invests in our team but you can give your ideas and tips free to people.

Earning Permission– To deliver an email or a message you need permission to contact the people so, permission is valuable. If you have permission you can gain attention and trust. Educate the people regularly, only to those who want to hear from you. Permission is an asset, you have to earn it. You have to benefit the user from your service so that he can proudly spread your word.

The Role of Trust– Trust is a factor that needs to be earned by continuous communication, helping the people, and giving proper guidance. People not only hear you but also trust you. Most important thing is to gain trust from your target audience.

Funnel Building – Fixing your funnel is like growing your customers, others don’t even know that problem is in the funnel. The problem may be in delivering the right kind of service, not doing according to the promise, or disrespecting the audience. Examine your funnel and see what changes you need to make while experiencing the journey of the customer. Do you need a strong reason for your offer that why should people share your story and recommend others to use your product?

Managing your tribe is important. You have to gain action by telling others how they could achieve their dreams as you did and we are all same and now it is the time to change ourselves. This causes tension and leads to forward motion. You have to be committed to your tribe and your tribe will be committed to you.

If your product is not selling then you have to change the story that you tell to the people. Give them a new story to tell which includes status, safety, and respect. As a marketer, you constantly need to become better and better to market your product efficiently to the right people and make things better.

I hope you like the article and a brief story about marketing. If you want to improve your marketing skills then you should buy this book from Amazon. Thank you for reading my article!