How this 10 Copywriting Secrets can Increase your Revenue by 4 Times!

How this 10 Copywriting Secrets can Increase your Revenue by 4 Times!

This post is all about revealing the copywriting secrets that can boost your revenue 3-4 times. If you are a business organization, freelancer, digital marketer, or anyone who is looking to improve his copywriting skill then you must pay attention to this post. It will be a gold mine for you if you implemented all the steps given here. So, let’s start revealing the 1st secret.

WARNING! Don’t just read and enjoy this post, take action. Because ACTIONS gives RESULTS.


1. Crazy Headline Drives Attention- Headline is the start of your copy. The purpose of a headline is to read the 1st section. So, even if you write world-class copy but your headline is not so great, your copy gets fail. So, put more time into writing attention-grabbing headlines.

Write at least 8-9 headlines to get the best one and use in your copy. Your headline should describe what’s in it for the user to read further. You can use various combinations like benefit-driven, asking a question, or starting with a story.


2. Stories drive Engagement- Copies starting with stories are more likely to generate amazing sales. As humans like stories, true stories that can able to connect and describe your product in an amazing way. You can see the best example of this below.


story telling story telling 2story telling 3


3. Write like you Talk- Having a conversational style of writing drives more attention than just writing like an essay. Make your writing more personal and not like talking to a group. Can you see my style of writing? I write as I am talking to my friend. Define your audience, address them and create your solution specifically for them. Practice this type of writing, you will get better as you do.


4. Unique Guarantees- Guarantees are the best way to make the consumer feel secure while buying for you. It ensures that the customer gets the best deal with minimum risk. Guarantees such as 30 or 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee, Product warranty for 2 years, or No Guarantee.

Don’t just offer a guarantee in a simple way like 30-Day Money back guarantee. Do it in an interesting way. For e.g If you don’t like this 5-Day Workshop, don’t worry. Just send us a request for your refund and we will send your money back along with a Free Guide on How to Improve your Digital Skills. It’s the same idea, just present it in a different way with some additions. And if you already have a strong authority in the market, then you don’t need such guarantees.


5. Talk with your Customers- Spend time with your customers and understand what they want. See what they are complaining about with their best friends and mention all the problems in your message. So, they feel that you have understood them and you can create solutions specifically addressing their problems.


6. Call out your Enemies- This technique is used when you want to tell your audience that we are not that we are this. This makes your position stronger and the audience understands what you stand for. The best example of this is given below DollarShaveClub



7. Use Middle One Best Method- While selling the product that gives you enough profit. You have to add 2 more products that will make the middle product a good one to buy. You can see such example when you buy hosting or any other services, consumers will think I don’t want the big one which is not needed but the smaller pack is also not favourable, so I will go with the middle one that gives me enough benefits and is useful for me.



8. Build a Powerful Credibility- Credibility is the main thing when you approach a client. So, to generate this you have to work with enough clients, by showing dozens of reviews and testimonials, posting on social media, your followers, and the work you have done.

You can show your stats on the front page of the site to create a hook. Because people want someone who has worked with brands. If you are just starting in copywriting, write for NGOs to get your initial testimonials.


9. Scarcity leads to ACTIONS!- Humans have the habit to procrastinate and make a decision later on. So, you have to generate such scarcity to take immediate action and buy your product. Scarcity can be generated in the following ways, 3-4 scarcity you can generate in a single copy.

1) Only 43 Seats Left Out Of 450, Tickets are selling fast. So Hurry Up!

2) We have this service only to our Private Exclusive Members, but for a limited time we’re offering to you as well.

3) We will take only 30 members not more than that. So, if you desire to attend this event, fill this form quickly. (You can place a countdown below)


10. Go Pain over Pleasure- The biggest motivating factor for humans is PAIN. Everybody wants to avoid pain and get to the solutions directly. You can implement this in your copy, by addressing the pain points of your customer, by talking to them, listening to their complaints, and offering them a perfect product that solves their issue. As a result, you make a direct connection with your audience.

I hope these copywriting techniques and secrets will help you to sell more products in less time and build long-term relationships with your customer. Thank you for reading my article!

Great Impact can Come from a Killer Copy. Follow this Steps

Great Impact can Come from a Killer Copy. Follow this Steps

What role does communication play in copywriting?


Communication is the most important element in copywriting as it makes your copy unique. Great copywriters are good communicators. Anyone will love the company of such copywriters because of their effective communication skills. So, every copy should communicate well with the audience to tell their message. So, let’s discuss this in detail.


How Effective Communication can make your Copy Unique?


The communication contains 4 elements that are Sender, Receiver, Message, and Feedback. While sending the ads on the internet or any medium, audience feedback is important. Because based on that feedback you can make further responding ads and that will make a complete loop.

Your message should be clear, impactful, simple with a CTA. As consumers go through thousands of ads in a day, so you need to create a strong impact to make them remember. For example, The ad was given below.


mercedes ad


There should be no Clutter between your ads. Your message should be short to remember easily and something unusual. The CTA in your ad can be visiting your store, subscribing, or commenting on your post. Ask some questions, or tell some story to the consumers to get more feedbacks and create engagement. Ask what the audience wants, solve their problems, and give them new content based on their feedback.

So, whenever you create a new post or an ad. Talk to the user directly, make them engage, and solve their problems by giving the perfect solution.


Communication on Social Media- When you post an ad, offer, or any other content based on audience feedback. That’s complete the loop. When you cannot give something new and different from others, just present or say it differently as this ad did. Or post something of current news. (2nd is the example based on current news)



Volkswagen ad

What are the Things to avoid during Communication?

1) Just remember you are not for everyone. You target only a specific group of people and you make an impact on only those people. If you target everyone, your message could not be delivered to your main audience and everyone’s problem will not be solved. So, just target your main audience and influence them.


2) Tell everything about your product to your audience. If your product is expensive you must give them detailed information and build trust with them. Without doing this your product will not sell. Explain them how the features of your product can benefit them. Never hesitate to write a long copy if your product is expensive. Below is an example of it. They have explained why their product’s price is so high.


rolls royce ad


3) If you lie with your audience, it can break your trust and relationships. Always be transparent with your audience, don’t break their trust. It can harm your brand. The credibility of your brand goes higher when you tell the truth.


4) Proofreading your copy is necessary to avoid grammar mistakes. Use tools like Grammarly to autocorrect your copy. As people can catch your mistake and avoid your copy. So, proofreading your copy before publishing can help you.


What are the things to follow in your copy?

1) Make your copy clear and simple to understand. There should be no doubt in consumer’s minds about your product. Your ad should understand at the first glimpse but how you gonna create an impact on people. Let’s see.


2) Unique copy means telling the audience that they have not heard before and there should be a WOW! moment in them. You should create at least 2 such moments to make your copy stand out. Below is an example of it.


3) Use Multimedia in your copy. We understand quickly by seeing pictures and videos. So, a copy with images, videos, or infographics can grab the user’s attention. Relate with your audience, communicate well about your product and break clutter to spread your main message.


4) You can break some grammar rules and tell your message as it is without following some rules. While communicating you don’t need to be perfect. You are communicating to explain your product, so write as you speak. Make shorter sentences to stay in flow and it will be more conversational.


So, Whenever you write a copy, communication plays a big role. To avoid mistakes during communication go through the above points and make a strong connection with the audience.

I will be giving some more amazing techniques on copywriting in the next post. Thank you for reading my article!

8 Proven Techniques to make your Copy more Interesting

8 Proven Techniques to make your Copy more Interesting

For whom this post is for…

If you are a small business owner and have frustrated with your copy because of no sales.

If you are a big business owner then these basics of copywriting can make your copy more interesting.

If you are a copywriter and not finding your way to an amazing Million-Dollar copy then this will work.

If you are a blogger just want to improve your copywriting skills for your website then you are at the right place. So, let’s dive into our copywriting formula.


1. Headlines- Most of the copies remain unopen because of the low-grade headline. So, more attention should be given to headlines where the reader should feel something interesting, exciting or a surprise gift for him.

You can include humor or a powerful quote in the headline. Or asking a powerful question where no one talks about it. Statistics work because it gives credibility to your headline and it generates more open rates. Telling about current events can also work because people want something new and interesting. If you add listicles in your headlines include odd numbers to grab attention. Headlines with ‘Even if you or Without’ also work well.

Examples of great headlines can be found below:

  • 5 Simple Techniques to Increase your work Efficiency.
  • How to earn $13,500 or more a day using a simple one-page website with 1 hour of work a day.
  • 7 Reasons why your Content doesn’t get Viral
  • Are you tired of a 9-5 job and want to do what you love to do then book your seat now!
  • How to Start Investing Even if you don’t have enough money?


2. Story-  Why do you write a story in your copy?

To generate relatability with your audience. In the story, you don’t have to tell about yourself. A story about your product that is relatable to the people works well. Relatability helps the user to read your copy further and this shows that you understand the user’s problem.


3. Content- The main purpose of content is to generate credibility by adding more value to the audience. Here comes, convincing your reader that your product is the perfect solution for the problem. For that, you need to give enough information about the product, its USP and show some proven results, testimonials of successful customers, Awards, and recognition. Stay organized and explain through diagrams.


4. Visual Flow & Linear Thinking- Visual Flow matters a lot in copy as this decides that your copy will be read or not. Here’s an example for you. In the below image the user can easily read and understand.


linear thinking


Linear thinking means presenting your product information in bullet points or a step-by-step method. This technique helps the reader to remember the points quickly and understandable. By this, clarity comes into the user’s mind about your product.


5. Not Having a Killer Offer- For the product to be sold the offer should be unique and interesting for the user. He should feel like I am getting more than what I have paid. Show a clear pathway that gives the buyer what he wants and helps him to achieve that.

Great offers will surely lead the customer to buy the product. Including bonuses and gifts in your offer can increase your conversion rate.


6. E-mail Copy- Subject line of the email should interest the reader to open the email because the subject line determines whether your email will get opened or not. Irrespective of the quality of the email your write. Keep your headlines short. Be specific and use symbols in your headlines.

Create a connection and be personal in the body copy. Ensure that your email doesn’t go into the spam folder. Show proper CTAs and relevant links. While educating the audience in the email make clear what the audience needs to do further.

An email with a story builds a relationship with the users. For that you need to set up the environment, express emotions, tell the events in series, and come to the main point. But, what’s there for the user? Tell what lesson you have learned and what the user has to do. Then relate it to the story. Explain your product on a sales page, not in the email.


7. Funnels-  What’s the Importance of Funnels in business?

Funnels help us to increase the conversion rate and decrease the ad cost. Funnels with the right offer can generate huge revenue in the business. So, the proper use of funnels is necessary for your business. I will tell you which type of funnels works well.

  •  Traditional Opt-in: It’s the traditional funnel but it works well. In this, you offer a free product for a name & email id. A low ticket offer is presented after the buyer has claim the free product. After that ask for a bump offer to add to the cart. Once the buyer purchases the program offers a  upsell of the product in which the buyer is interested. Instead of upselling you can also offer a down-sell because the upsell might be expensive for the buyer. Without having a upsell/down-sell you cannot make much money.


  • Webinar + Free Book: You drive the traffic from ads to your webinar page and offer a free book for a name & email id. And it’s a high-ticket webinar where you give valuable content and offer your high ticket product. Users will attract more because you are offering a physical copy of the book which gives instant gratification and your CTR increases.


  • Low Ticket Sales: In this funnel, you direct the traffic to a low ticket sales page. Then a Bump offers to add to the cart. Once he purchases, offer a upsell because you cannot make money just with low tickets as low tickets cost more money to drive traffic.


8. Mobile-optimized and Auditory rhythm- As more no. of people visit your site through mobile so the copy should be mobile-optimized with a flow in it. Ignoring this would lose your audience and the revenue.

In auditory rhythm, you have to read your copy aloud and ensure that your copy doesn’t get along, and avoid overusing commas. This is important to keep the simplicity and flow.

I hope you have got some new techniques for writing an interesting copy. Just reading will not get results, you need to implement these steps in your business to see good results. How was the article, which types of articles do you want more? Tell me in the comment section. Thank you for reading my article!