The One Thing– Gary Keller with Jay Papasan. This book mainly focuses on just one thing that matters the most in your life, and that can lead to achieving what you want.

This book will show you the clear path on how to do the main thing that doing it everything becomes easy or unnecessary. You will understand which thing to do and at the right time. If you have many options in any aspect and are confused about what to do first then this book is for you. I will share with you the main 5 lessons from this book that should help you to get started on your journey.


5 Key-Lessons to Remember to Achieve Extraordinary Results


1) The Power of One Thing- Most people have the mindset that everything is important equally and they try to do it all at once. As a result, they don’t give time to the most important thing. Before getting to the most important thing, you need to ask one focussing question that will give just one answer, that answer must include all the small things that you need to take. A question can be related to your relationships, financial situation, or business.

For example, What’s the one thing that can make me productive this month?

Ans: Be Discipline

Your question must be specific, meeting a deadline and expecting a single answer. You can ask questions in different areas of your life and get your answer.




2) Discipline builds strong habits By being discipline, your life becomes easier and you can maintain your productivity level with consistent improvements. But for achieving the success you don’t need strict discipline. You just need a little discipline to build good habits.

After following those habits, everything becomes easy, you just need to stay disciplined at the starting but after few days. Your habits will drive you. It’s all about doing the right thing at the right time, and for that, you don’t need a highly disciplined life. Discipline at the right thing will make your life more clear and simple.


3) Commitments bring Diamond- Follow the three commitments that will contribute to your one thing and see the magic with you.

a) Master your one thing. Before your mastery, identify one thing and see whether it is important or not. So, your one thing that matters the most. Practicing your one thing daily and doing it consistently help you to learn more and grow more.

b) Unlock your potentials. If a thing comes out of you naturally, don’t stick to it. Try different things and unlock your greatest potential. This will help you to explore more and being limitless. Otherwise, you will make excuses and never ever grow.

c) Be accountable. Take your own responsibility and bring your actions and desire closer together. While doing your one thing, take help from your mentors and ask what improvements can you suggest for me. Write your goals and share them with others, this increases the chances of your success.


4) Balancing your life is not the right decision- Balancing your personal and professional life is possible, but you won’t get extraordinary results. Because you will not give your 100% time and energy to it. As magic happens at the extreme.

So, what’s the solution? Do Counterbalance because when you are at work for 11 hrs for continuous 8-10 years you can miss your wonderful days that will never come back. Implement counterbalance in your personal and professional life. So, that you get your extraordinary results and stay connected with your family.


5) Avoid these thieves- Below are the thieves that you need to consider for achieving your extraordinary results.

a) Learn to say ‘NO’. Saying no to others means you are committing to yourself and working on your one thing. Instead of directly saying no, you can delegate to someone, give him FAQs or external help. So, that your most important one thing gets done.

b) Keeping a supporting environment. While going through your journey, live with the people that always seek success. That will help you to outperform your one thing and there will be a good friendship between you and them.

c) Do your one thing anyhow. Many distractions, people, and circumstances will oppose you, but your responsibility is to get your time blocked for your one thing. Because that matters the most. Keep yourself productive by taking care of your health and you will get extraordinary results.


6) Don’t leave any regrets in your life. Live your life to the fullest, discover, go ahead and just explore more things and see how big life is. By imagining at 60-70 age you must say that I live the want that I wanted and there are many exciting things that are coming to me.

This book is a must-read for everyone, you should own a copy of it. Because the lessons you get it just amazing, this review includes only some lessons. Just buy this book, it’s a great investment. Thank you for reading my article, see you in the next post!