In today’s article, you’ll get to know the hidden boosters YouTube has installed in different places and how you can leverage them the best to increase overall subscribers (by showing you example of one of our clients – DigitalChefHub)
YouTube community:
The most powerful content section YT has built to attract new subscribers. I’ll show you some trends about how different post combinations perform at different times and how much quality to maintain while posting
For DigitalChefHub YT channel (one of our client’s projects): We’ve been consistently getting 40+ likes with few comments. It got suddenly increased when we introduced kitchen costing
So the higher the frequency – the more clarity you’ll gain for knowing the topic to focus on
Commenting to genuine subscriber:
For edtech, the students are specific to their query and are highly intellectual. If you feel they need more guidance, directly paste the course link for direct purchase (with a Buy Now CTA).
For DigitalChefHub audience, chefs & hospitality students don’t have high academic grades but has strong practical knowledge & skills, so telling a buy-now CTA was required
Changing the cover image frequently:
You may think cover image is what most people may ignore on. This is the best place to showcase your entire offerings in 1 image (it may be 1 single power line, your product portfolio, or your team photo signifying the backend contribution)
Here’s the current cover photo of DigitalChefHub evolved:
Keeping the YouTube video scheduled –
sending auto notification to the most interested ones helps to build the initial hype for the video and this also motivates you as a creator to be more consistent
Repurposing long videos into shorts: So the frequency matters the most here. Though your channel might have valuable long videos, converting into shorts will reach the maximum audiences.
Here’s the graph of the viewership along from YT shorts:
Most creators use this for general topic suggestion purposes. However this is the best tool for asking question of the day. You can schedule questions on each day with the answer as a YouTube video link in the question tab for subscribers to check the answers.
Here’re the poll results from 2.3K channel subscribers (one of the institutes we’re serving):
Revamping old videos into a new version:
You may have seen creators repurposing the video into multiple content formats. Plus, you may have got to know that they’ve just included more examples or case studies to explain the same content
Here we’ve repurposed the long videos into YouTube community & shorts for stressing the importance of kitchen costing.
You can see our scheduling format and how we schedule for long months and impact on revenue on other side
Surprise LIVE Sessions:
Though many creators do it with a plan, surprise live sessions are always supported by subscribers to interact with and ask n number of doubts. LIVE sessions and long interviews can also be converted into blogs & articles for your website too