Why am I reviewing this event?

I’m working as a Community Coordinator at GenZDealZ.ai (side projects still going on:)) and reviewing such types of expos & events helps marketers to analyse which destination is right as per thier product & audience. So talking about Sankalp Bharat 2024…

AKshay Shah - GenZDealZ.ai (Sankalp Bharat 2024)

During the recent event of Sankalp Bharat 2024, Varanasi..Akshay Shah (Founder & CEO – GenZDealZ.ai) represented on behalf of GenZDealZ.ai team.

Standees designed by me (had used for the past Govt. event too):

GenZDealZ.ai stall at Sankalp Bharat 2024

In aspect of GenZdealZ.ai here our audience was GenZ (college students, PHD scholars and other nearby school students who wants to see new innovation happening around India)

Overall Footfall: 500+

Students visited at our stall: 100+

Number of downloads: 20+ (via word of mouth & social media locally)

Brand Partnerships: 3

GenZs are quick in decision – if something doesn’t interest them at 1st time they wont’ consider it again.

Why GenZDealZ.ai Choose Sankalp Bharat To Promote Our App & Offerings?

  • Sponsored by UP Govt. in which there was a pitch of 45 mins and a short talk to be delivered on Deep Tech by Akshay sir (gaining more reach & funding in the market)
  • Interaction with North India students. Though we know some behaviour of north India GenZ crowd, having a fresh interaction would help us know their preferences in 2024 and what they expect us to bring in the application
  • Onboarding more brands that are catering to students. There’re always new or upcoming brands who needs some push from a market leader to get introduce in the market and engage with the crowd. GenZDealZ.ai has a good 1 million students reach PAN India. This would help any new brand to list and give the offline + online boost from our end


Appointment With Principal/Dean:

Banaras Hindu University was near to the venue and most students from the university visited the stall and shared reels with their feedback.

Few of them were keen to help us meet with their Principal to execute the offline campaigns we’re running via thier university. So we took their contacts for future meeting

Here it was difficult to predict how the traction of students who will be visiting the stall and engaging with us. In such cases, atleast have 1 buffer day if you’re unsure of the crowd to market, if the target market brings what you want then spending an extra day is worth it.

Cons of Govt. Organised Summits:

  • They won’t give you the complete information (standee size, space, posters, etc.) before the event. Most of thier team is waiting for the last day to clear the candidate’s queries
  • They’ll misspell your company’s name and domain that would result in wrong brand recall by the brand and irrelevant web address
  • No volunteers to assist you. Though, the brochure might contain 1 volunteer at each stall, they don’t mention for how much time and what is the backup if you don’t get one.

Overall, Sankalp Bharat gave us good brands, students’s connect & feedback in 2 days of the visit.

If have any questions, please put them below.