How was the 1st day of Maker Mela Event?

The main event we attended was Somiya Innovation & Impact festival and under this Maker Mela, Darwin, & Naya was the part of the event, our main focus was Maker Mela (the most creative event you’ll see around sustainability)

We targeted this event with application downloads & BoB E Pay UPI Lite downloads (campaign we’ve been running with Bank of Baroda till 26th February 2025)

Traction: 130+ downloads

150+ BoB E Pay UPI Lite downloads

150+ smiley balls distributed (had our QR)

Here’re the offers we pasted for pulling the crowd:

  • Free samples of Munchilicious & skin care products: Those who were willing to give feedback on teh spot were receiving munchilicious small pack and interested students were filing the form to receive free skin care samples to be delivered
  • We also made that the hyperlocal offers are active and updated with their current student offers (on 2nd day we added a new stationery vendor too)
  • We hired Somiaiya’s students to assist us in bringing more crowd (campaign brief was given them in advance)
  • Direct cashback and activation of 2 PROMO codes for few days to increase the consumption).

40% of the crowd we received was more than 30 age (even the juries & prof. were interested to consume the deals and spread the word)

Few General Guidelines:

  • Ask the lunch/breakfast & snacks timing in advance. No one will notify you about visiting the mess (else you’ll waste your food coupons)
  • Make sure you’ve enough ventilation present around you (a big crowd increases the heat a lot)
  • Ask for enough water bottles when you’ve 4 to 5 members in a stall , you’ll need enough hydration in strong summers
  • Visit the stall a day before to check what all can be pasted on teh booth (does glue sticks or staple is needed) and will get idea of space allocation too
  • Have a quick support team: For Bank of Baroda UPI Lite app promotion we faced many errors from users and the same were revertd them
  • Give your feedback straightaway (don’t wait for the feedback form to be circulated). If you’ve any issues with the stall place (too much muddy, heat & low water stations, etc.), accelerate them to the event co heads.
  • If you’ve giving right away cash backs, have a good quantity of cash (if your UPI Waltet is blocked during to many transactions)

How was Day 2 – Maker Mela Fest?

It started with restocking our smiley balls that went out of the stock on Day 1.

We made sure we shoot good feedback videos for our app, Munchilicious nutritious packets & overall hyperlocal offerings

Our stall was the only one who got the most crowd with direct GenZ interaction and all the academic people who will directly & indirectly use our app.

Prof. needs much guidance about how the app works as those who’re totally new will get a clarity of how they should proceed and claim exclusive offer from our app.

On 2nd day, it was a holiday for the campus, still students were visiting in good numbers (around 50 in each hour) and 30+ juries judging us in the entire day to give us teh score on team & crowd management, product USP, business clarity, etc.

2nd day involved pitching to investors, however our Founder knows how the pitching model works and how many serious investors actually invest the money. So major focus we gave on our stall and the student traffic.

Eventually we hit our main target of achieving 200+ BoB E Pay UPI lite app downloads