Which Are the biggest mistakes you can make while taking any email marketing project?

Recently after many months we resumed to start email marketing , few of the biggest mistakes we made in this journey are:

  • Not overcommunicating: There’re so many things we assume during meetings and later regret of why didn’t over specified them. During the start of the pojrect we clearly mentioned collection of 500 emails. However, later we were also told to get other information like LInkedin URL, company name & website (which took the project timeline a lot long)


  • Giving a fixed deadline: For any project, don’t give a fixed deadline anytime. You can’t predict anything (your team member may get a family commitment, medical issues, etc.). Thus give a buffer period (of 10 to 15 days) beforehand so your reputation isn’t at the stake. In this case the brand’s team can’t pressurize you unecessairly when you had given a buffer period


  • Keep a good boundary of what needs to be done or what not: Especially when you’re dealing with agencies, the work is super divided so many a times we made unnecessary changes that would have no effect on teh conversions. Plus respecting the timings are also needed as I’m a college student plus Heeral (who had handles the complete email creation & extraction of leads) had other project commitments. So giving a fixed timeline of yoru availability helps both the parities


  • Don’t risk your timeline with free tools: When the client don’t want to spend on quality tools, you can’t give a concrete timeline of project completion. We used cloudflare for email hosting and due to a server error the emails couldn’t get processed. As we had the free version so no support was provided & starting plans were too costly.


  • Doing everything yourself: Atleast hiring a system admin helps in solving deep errors that are uncommon for marketers. Giving a fixed fees for the system admin helps in resolving issues in real time & keep the project on track


  • Scrapping Tools: Thought we used different reputed email extracting tools from free version, you wont’ get all valid emails. Minimum 30% of the emails will be inactive/doesn’t exist/mailbox not receiving new emails, etc. So you can’t expect a high open rate from each lead (as many of them won’t receive). Instead use paid email extracting tools & extract 40% more leads than the actual target to maintain high engagement on your campaigns