Benny—an AI fashion shopping platform. During Sep to Nov 2024 we were promoting Benny’s unique model of AI through many creative ways.

This article will give you the compressed version of what were our learnings in this period and mistakes we made (definitely you wanna avoid)


Have a quick look at the stats (just for LinkedIn; IG stats not considered here):

 Benny LinkedIn marketing by

This is the same case study we ran for one of the brand partners and here’re the stats

In the start, 1st month was you can say total experimentation and getting clarity on the topics to be published on LInkedIn.
Though LinkedIn’s audience is little different (diverse audience is growing now), we were dynamic to give the content preferences to each audience.

From our team, one of the team member had strength in fashion, food & lifestyle brands for content creation. Regular feedback from seniors always helps in gaining the right message reach the audience.

Links for all the LinkedIn posts (static, video, carousel, LinkedIn article) made for Benny:


Few of the feedback I received on Benny’s content on LinkedIn page:

– My voice during screen recording was very low and not so much enthusiastic
– During the carousel design, too much text was leading to confusion
– Most of the designs were too simple and didn’t matching with the dynamic AI-based fashion shopping platform
– Many grammatical errors during each sentence (leads to non understanding of entire para)


Overall, the entire campaign got the best awareness to the Benny, as benny is still growing from each angle (funding, design, UI/UX, etc.)

On Instagram too, we had a low reach initially but increased gradually and engagement spiked too.

Our instagram marketer had strengths in editing, directing and shooting. Graphics and creative had scope for improvements.


Following topics were stressed on LinkedIn for Benny:

a) Promote the new Benny features
b) Festive offerings and their core shopping flow through the actual video walkthrough
c) Feedack collection from genuine customers & tech suggestions in different areas
It was cost-effective for benny to increase the awareness in the market with this approach


During this promotion they had also running a special offer for GenZ with a custom promo code

For showing their amazing features, just the carousels and static posts weren’t enough to publish.

Videos are very critical for such brand types else you’ll get the least engagement and take more months to get the desired traction.