What has been the comparison between unstop & internshala
If you analyse both of these platform in detail both are Indian edtech and working for Indian’s youth progress in teh employment sector in different way
Yu’ll get a gist of how each one fo them is helping in thier own way and students are developing from different areas
I had purchased Unstop PRO yearly subscription adn there’re many things to explore yet. I’ve just mentioned few of them below.
As the activity on Unstop is directly proportional to the college fest season (from January to May is the peak season of college events).
Though remote quizzes & competitions goes on, competing and networking between inter colleges has a different feeling.
Unstop Offering:
- Compettions; This is highly crucial to developi the mind in the AI world and not just following the classroom training. One of my friend has been participating in different solo singing & dancing competition and had got selected in different regions
- Quizzes: Though your asnwerings might be wrong and you won’t win any quiz – the only thing you’ll get is make your mind think analytical in each direction
- Intenhips: Most of the companies unstop has are MNCs and the team companies most sutdent aspire with all teh required training to get placed in all of them
- Mentorship: Direct contact session with mentors who’re actually working those firm
- Support and access to top course: Unstop has good experts from depth experiencce in thier domain & you could recognise it by the mistakes they share with you
Internshala has been really close to me right from starting my internship career in Nov 2021 when I got my first remote internship in UK as a Email Outreacher with amazing flexibility.
From that internship, there has been immense opportunities I got & have passed to my friends.
My college friends easily cracks any internship in 2-3 days through smart application writing process – I’ve taught to so many that I’ve picked the opportunity to promote Internshala trainings by being a brand ambassador of Internshala (Internshala student partner)
Will review more itnernshala trainings in the coming weeks.
Intenrshala Offerings;
- Internshala has pool of internship from so many sources
- 1 day internship and offline community completion help to become outrovert and showcase student talent on field
- Internshala training and resume feedback They give a weekly report to help you get the internships
- Non verification of companies; There are few a companies & startup who’re not hiring and are still listed on internet so security is good in internshala